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Mattie Leto

Mattie Leto photo Mattie Leto
  • Black Belt

Mattie Leto grew up in New Jersey but now finds himself in Rappahannock County enjoying farm life with his family. A chiropractor by education and trade, Mattie has as deep love for animals that draws him to treating dogs and horses more often than two-legged creatures.  Mattie’s grappling life began at the ripe age of 5 as a wrestler. In 2000, Mattie found Jiu Jitsu and the friendships and community that comes with it. Mattie has trained with some of the world’s elite grapplers, earning his Brown Belt from Marco Santos and Rigan Machado and his Black Belt from Lucas Lepri on December 10, 2016. Mattie’s enthusiasm, generosity and kindness are immediately apparent upon meeting him and we’re thrilled to have him as part of The Forge community as a friend, parent and coach.

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Thanks for your interest in The Forge! You can expect to hear from George, Mike or Tyler in the near future!