"The Blacksmiths" is a prestigious leadership program within a The Forge Jiu Jitsu academy designed to recognize and cultivate outstanding leadership and character among its youth students. Participants who achieve the coveted Blacksmith patch have demonstrated exemplary levels of dedication and excellence. They set themselves apart by serving as role models to their peers through their actions and interactions. The criteria for earning a Blacksmith patch include consistently serving classmates with lessons, exhibiting kindness, and showing respect to everyone in the academy. This program not only emphasizes the physical aspects of Jiu Jitsu but also prioritizes the development of important life skills such as leadership, empathy, and the importance of community service. The Blacksmiths program thus plays a crucial role in shaping well-rounded individuals who excel both on and off the mats.
Thanks for your interest in The Forge! You can expect to hear from George, Mike or Tyler in the near future!